Monday, March 29, 2010

Meal Plan Monday 03.29.2010

Meal Plan Monday for 03.29.2010
Monday: Homemade Mac and Cheese with broccoli
Tuesday: Spaghetti Pie (in freezer) and salad
Wednesday: Corn Dog Muffins (courtesy of Heavenly Homemakers) I am not making my corn muffins from scratch, I am cheating a little. and mixed veggies.
Thursday: Enchilada Casserole (didn't get to make it last week) and spanish rice.
Friday: Turkey meatballs, gravy and mashed potatoes
Saturday: Crock pot chicken corn chowder and bread
We'll see how this week's plan goes. I would like to start freezer cooking, but I must wait for another week for payday. Can't wait to hear what everybody else is doing. Have a great week and God Bless. :) Shelley

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Daybook Entry 03.25.2010

My Daybook for March 25, 2010
Outside my window...cold and windy, like 35 degrees
I am thinking...about finishing my Resurrection Eggs.
I am thankful husband, who is truly my best friend and love of my life!!
From the kitchen...leftovers for dinner-Zucchini Parmesean
I am wearing...plaid pj pants, gray sweatshirt
I am creating...the contents of my eggs
I am the basement to finish the laundry
I am awesome devotional everyday just for women and its online.
I am get some sleep tonite
I am hearing...a rocking swing with Cullen in it sleeping
Around the house...quiet
One of my favorite things... the Target $1 bins for Easter goodies
A few plans for the rest of the week: mom to mom sale, helping with the Easter musical at church and time with my family
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...trying to make food fun the kids, I tried making little faces on my english muffin pizza last night with peppers. Turned out too cute!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Meal Plan Monday 03.22.2010

Ok, last week went pretty well in regards to my meal plan. We tried one new recipe that we are very happy with. We tried Zucchini Parmasean Bake on Sunday. I strayed a little from the plan, but still ate at home with no extra spending. Whhoo Hooo!

Monday: Sloppy Joes and french fries

Dessert: Almond Joy Cookies

Tuesday: Sandwich night with chips

Wednesday: English Muffin pizzas and salad (church night)

Thursday: Bruschetta chicken

Friday: Enchilada casserole and rice

Saturday: Chicken Alfredo and veggies

I am finding alot of awesome recipes at Finding Joy in My Kitchen. Check her blog out, it is awesome. I used to hate, I mean hate to cook and now I am love, love, loving it!!
Have a Happy Week of Cooking and God Bless.
:) Shelley

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Another Successful Mom 2 Mom Sale

Guess where I was this morning?? That's right, my favorite place to be on an early Saturday morning, Mom to MOming!! I brought $20 today (I was on a budget) and found some good deals!! This is the low down on my shopping day:

4 pairs of shorts for Cullen

10 shirts for Brady

skirt for Brady

4 pairs of shorts for Brady

2 3T sleepers for Brady

all for $18 (I had to pay $2 to get in)

Oh, and Abbi bought 3 Junie B. Jones books for $3.

All in all, a good day!!

And this little face greeted me when I got home. Awwwww!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Signs of Spring

Abbi and Shane on their bikes. First ride of the spring.

Tulips are starting to poke through.
Friends talking through the mail slot.

Brady trying to talk to Abby (neighbor) through the mail slot.

Neighbors opening the window for a conversation.

Brady discovering pine cones in her car.

Shane on his bike.

Abbi enjoying the nice weather.

Cullen taking his first ride in the stroller on such a beautiful day!!
Hope everyone was enjoying their day today. God Bless everyone and praise God for the awesome day with family today.
:) Shelley

Daybook Entry 03.19.2010

My Daybook for March 19, 2010
Outside my window...warm, sunny afternoon about 61 degrees
I am thinking...about making my own Resurrection Eggs courtesy of Kathi at A Mother's Prayers
I am thankful for...getting out of work early today
From the kitchen...leftovers for lunch
I am fleece pullover and jeans
I am list
I am a mom to mom sale tomorrow (maybe)
I am reading...directions on how to make my Resurrection Eggs
I am get rid of this headache
I am hearing...Thomas the train DVD on for the millionith time. Ugghhh!
Around the
One of my favorite things...leaving work early on a Friday afternoon.
A few plans for the rest of the week: laundry, a hike, church
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...this is a picture of the first nice day after the winter thaw. No Cullen yet in this pic, just the three at this time.

Shane, Brady, and Abbi

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Meal Plan Monday 03.15.2010

Okay, so this is my first time actually writing out a menu for the week. I am gearing up for the April OAMC (Once A Month Cooking) with the girls from Frugalicious Living and Money Saving Mom. So here is the menu:

Monday: Homemade Mac and Cheese with steamed brocoli and homemade brownies

Tuesday: Spaghetti pie (I made mine with turkey, I made two and stuck one in the freezer) and green salad

Wednesday: Frozen pizza (church night)

Thursday: Enchilada Casserole and rice

Friday: Chicken Alfredo with veggies

Saturday: Zucchini Parmesan with green salad

So, let's see if I stick to it. I'm off to enjoy my brownies. Good night all.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I "heart" MOM to MOM sales

So, saturday morning bright and early I was up heading to my MOM to MOM sale. Ahhh, the thrill of the good deal got me up early that morning!! I pick up my friend, with eldest daughter in tow and head about 35 minutes south of my home. We got there early so we got to wait inside and out of the rain. Let me preface this story with the fact that this was a 100+ table sale and it was SOLD OUT!! Whooo Hooo let me in, let me in. The clock couldn't move fast enough to strike 9:00 am. It finally did, and people were running (ok I am not that bad)!! So, anyway the first table I hit was a awesome deal. I bought 5 summer dresses for $10 for Abbi (9 yrs old), three of which were hand made and in mint condition. Deal #2 new sandals and sneakers for Brady(2 yr girl) at the next table for a $1 each. Whooo Hoo, I am getting really excited. Next table is a... wait for it... $0.50 table and I hit it HARD!!! I think I got all of Cullen's (5 month dude) summer attire. I just sure hope it fits by then. I spent $10 and got like 15 shirts and about 10 shorts, whoo hoo! All in all, I spent about $50, and also got a bumbo for Cullen, a 12 volume hard cover book set of the Disney Princesses ($6) for a birthday gift and a pair of cute sandals for Cullen $1.
Abbi in her "new" dress

Cullen enjoying his new seat.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Something to Chew On

Last night I attended a benefit dinner for our local Pregnancy Care Center. I came away with some things I didn't really consider before. Before I was a Christian, I was pro-choice. Since becoming a Christian my views have changed on a lot of things and on this topic. My eyes were opened even further last night!! I am PRO-LIFE and I will stand firm in this choice. They had a wonderful and thought-provoking speaker last night that made the audience look at some things pretty hard. Here are some facts that I didn't know or consider before last night:
- Abortion is the #1 elective surgery in the US
- Breast cancer is 4-7 times more possible if you had an abortion
- 1 of every 3 African American babies are aborted.
- Abortion is legal for all 9 months in every state in the US!!!

There is also hope!
-83% of mothers who have a ultrasound while considering abortion, continue the pregnancy
-there are centers like this one throughout the US that are God loving people that provide help and hope to confused men and women.

The speaker really made me think about something I really never thought about. That every child that was aborted in this nation, that God had a plan for them and who are we to play God and extinguish that life. WOW!! What if that child had the cure for cancer, AIDS, Alzheimers?? What did we just do to eliminate that dream and that hope??

Every child is a blessing not only to its parents, but to God. I will continue to pray for these women that decide that abortion is their only choice. I will pray that these needless killings will end.

I just wanted to share something that is on my heart. The verse that encompassed this years benefit was this: "Nothing in All Creation is Hidden From God's Sight" Hebrews 4:13a

Life is Beautiful! Praise God!

Ultrasound of 12 week old twins

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


My Daybook for March 09,2010
Outside my window...melting snow with muddy front lawn
I am thinking...about when life isn't so pleasant
I am thankful for...My husband, who makes me put it all in to perspective
From the kitchen...homemade chocolate chip cookies from yesterday, I can't stop eating!!
I am cotton pants, black zip up hoodie, and a gray t-shirt
I am creating...a list for my MOM 2 MOm sale this weekend
I am take it easy this evening (yah right!)
I am glossary of terms for my Bible study on the End of Times for Dummies, class is Wednesday.
I am get some sleep tonite
I am hearing...Cullen's play gym sing to him about bees buzzing and three little birdies
Around the house...piles here, piles there!
One of my favorite night out with my hubby ( a benefit dinner on Thursday)
A few plans for the rest of the week: work, church, and benefit dinner.
Here is picture for thought I am little man Cullen. He didn't like getting his picture taken. He is getting so big!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Science Projects and Pigtails

My two oldest children just finished their Science Projects for the year. Abbi (9) made homemade laundry soap and compared it to store bought laundry soap and how well it cleans stains. The homemade worked better!! Shane (5) made homemade glue with milk, vinegar, and baking soda. Didn't stick so well. So I just wanted to share a few picks of them and their projects. Such a proud momma!! Oh, and here is a picture of Brady (2) with pigtails. She actually let us put in piggy tails and she kept them in for a little bit. Hope everyone is having a wonderful MOnday!!??

Brady in pigtails.

Shane's latest drawing-Frankenstein and a robot??

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Fabulous Giveaway

Ok, this is an awesome giveaway you must checkout!! My friend Danielle at Finally Finding Me...I Think? is giving away a bookcase and book for FREE!! Just check out here blog and read the rules in their entirety to win this awesome gift!! Check it out, you don't want to miss this. Happy Blogging!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Beautiful Blogger Award

Kathi at A Mother's Prayers gave me this Beautiful Blogger Award. Thank You!!!

* The rules for accepting this award:
1. Post a thank you, and link to the person that has given you the award.
2. Pass this award on to other Beautiful Bloggers whom you think are fantastic.
3. Contact said blogs to let them know they've won.
4. State seven things about yourself.

** 7 Things About Me :

1. I love when my daughter, Abbi plays with my hair. I try to bribe her with monetary means so she will do it more often.

2. I love to do anything outside!! I love to hike, bike, roller blade, cross country ski, snowshoe and stroll around the beach.

3. I am addicted to MOM to MOM sales!! I love a good deal!

4. I hope someday to be a stay-at-home mom and possibly homeschool my children!! I keep praying, it is all in God's timing!

5. I live in a 900 sq foot house with only one bathroom!! There is six of us, and oh yah and only two bedrooms (but one in the basement)!!

6. I have donated my hair twice to Pantene Beautiful Lengths for women with cancer. I am growing it out again for another donation, hopefully soon!!

7. I recently discovered a love of cooking. I love finding new recipes and trying them out!

These are my picks for the Beautiful Blogger Award:

Sarah at Beautiful 2 God
Crystal at Money Saving Mom
Lindsey at Frugalicious Living
Danielle at Finally Finding Me...I Think
Maria at My Frugal...Healthy Kitchen
Monica at The Homespun Heart
Mountain Mama at Many Blessings

Thank you to all of you! You make my day special

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday Chaos!!

Just a short little journey into my brain for the next few minutes?? Well, it is Wednesday and I worked today starting at 6:30 am. Got home at 3:10 ish and started dinner (frozen pizza), took a shower, greeted the kids from school, unpacked back packs and lunch bags, repacked lunch bags and back packs, picked out clothes for school, got Brady up from nap, fed Cullen, sat down with the kids to eat dinner and devotional, vaccuumed (sp?), bathed Cullen, washed dishes and dressed Brady and were waiting for Dad to get home to go to Wednesday Night Church at 6:45. Whewww, I think sometimes I just run on auto-pilot crossing off my list of things to do mentally, mustering as much energy as I can!! I just had to sit and blog but this is all I could get out at this point! Have a great night all and God Bless!
My reason for Wednesday Chaos, but I so love it!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Spring Cleaning Uggghhh! It Must Be Done!

Well, two of my fellow bloggers found an awesome blog that is encouraging us to start Spring Cleaning early so we can be done by May. She came up with this awesome idea to tackle it week by week so we are done by Spring and not stuck inside cleaning when it is nice out. Great idea right?? So, I took a few picutres of my entry way because that is this week's area to concentrate on. Here is the ugly truth in pictures, it isn't pretty, so be aware!! I better get crack a lackin' on some cleaning up in the entry way. So join us and tell your friends and lets band together so we can be out and about by Spring!! Whooo Hooo!